Associazione Italiana Pressure Equipment
We are an entrepreneurial association representing the Italian Pressure Equipment manufacturers
Quality services for our members
Our specialist services cover six main areas:
- Internationalization
- Research and Innovation
- Problems resolution
Contact us now

10 Years
of Success
Help Desk
A consultancy desk dedicated to technical and regulatory support for companies operating in the pressure components sector
AIPE offers its members a free help desk service to offer support and advice on technical, regulatory and certification issues.
The AIPE Association offers its members a highly qualified legal assistance service, thanks to a network of law firms and affiliated lawyers, ready to provide specialized advice and tailor-made support for every need.
The new Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism known as CBAM will enter into force on 1 January 2026.
A helpdesk that offers consultancy services to members on issues relating to exports of goods and customs issues
Careful and proper contract management not only ensures that all parties involved comply with agreements, but also helps prevent disputes, controversies and potential legal problems.
The Pressure Equipment world
In recent years, the Italian industrial production of pressure equipment has been higher than that of its competitors.
The main importing countries of heavy boilers are:
- USA (8,8%)
- Indonesia (7,9%)
- Russia (4,1%)
- Kazakhstan (4,1%)
- Germany (3,8%)
- China (3,7%)
Export: 90% of Turnover
In 15 years (between 1991 and 2005) the export closest to the Heavy Boiler Industry had a fairly constant growth trend; in the following 3 years (2006-2008) there was a real boom but after the peak in 2011 there was a ten-year decline. In 2022 the export of the sector restarted and in 2023 the push continued: it returned above one billion euros of exported value.

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Periodicals, Studies and Researches
A study in collaboration with the Association of Artisans and Small Businesses of Mestre – CGIA to analyze the critical issues related to the execution of exceptional transport and the impacts of inefficiencies on the Italian Pressure Equipment Industry.
An information instrument created on the initiative of the AIPE Board of Directors to inform and update members on the association's current activities and future projects
An analysis path undertaken with the Mestre Artisans and Small Businesses Association – CGIA. This collaboration includes monitoring macro indicators and forecasts on variables of interest for the sector
- Strategic supportFor the inclusion of companies in the nuclear sector, with analysis of business potential.
- Specialized MentoringIn nuclear safety culture, ISO 19443 certifications
- Training and networkingThrough events, workshops and meetings with industry experts, facilitating collaborations between companies, research bodies and institutions.
Italian Nuclear Accelerator
AIPE is active in the development and promotion of the Italian nuclear sector. This project was born with the aim of supporting associated companies in exploring and seizing the opportunities offered by a growing market, characterized by cutting-edge technologies and extremely high safety standards.
Italian Nuclear Accelerator
AIPE is active in the development and promotion of the Italian nuclear sector. This project was born with the aim of supporting associated companies in exploring and seizing the opportunities offered by a growing market, characterized by cutting-edge technologies and extremely high safety standards.
Italian Nuclear Accelerator
AIPE is active in the development and promotion of the Italian nuclear sector. This project was born with the aim of supporting associated companies in exploring and seizing the opportunities offered by a growing market, characterized by cutting-edge technologies and extremely high safety standards.