Collaboration between AIPE and ASME through IIWG working groups
HomeCollaboration between AIPE and ASME through IIWG working groups
Aipe is an active part of the ASME “The American Society of Mechanical Engineers” working groups through the management of the secretariat of the Italian working groups of sections V, VIII and IX.
ASME is one of the most important regulatory institutions for plant engineering companies, as it defines the codes for design, manufacturing and control.
The ASME Working Groups in Italy
In order to make the code issued by ASME increasingly in line with the needs of industry, the work carried out by the Working Groups is of fundamental importance, aimed at adapting the code to the real and daily needs of manufacturing realities.
The working groups established in Italy (IIWG – Italian International Working Group) are three:
IIWG BPV Section V – Non-Destructive Examination
IIWG BPV Section VIII – Pressure Vessels
IIWG BPV Section IX – Welding, Brazing and Fusing
The Association also promotes the establishment of the new Italian international working group IIWG III, Italian International Working Group III dedicated to Nuclear – Section III of the ASME Code. The new IIWG III is aimed at stakeholders, nuclear supply chain organizations, expert technicians operating in the nuclear sector in the design, production of components intended for new generation nuclear plants, Small Modular Reactors (SMR) and those of IV generation that have the ASME Code as a reference, to contribute to the sharing of experiences and the continuous improvement of the Codes.
How to become a Member of ASME Working Groups
To become a member or contributing member it is necessary to:
The request must be approved by the working groups of the section and subsequently at the ASME Standard Committee level. The new member's term will begin following approval and the closing of the vote.
For further information on the ASME Italian IWGs, please contact the IIWG Secretariat at the following email address: