Aipe è lieta di invitare i propri associati a partecipare gratuitamente al convegno che si terrà a Milano il 4 Novembre 2015 presso il Grand Visconti Palace, in Viale Isonzo, 14.
Che cos’è Advanced Manufacturing Strategies
Come Alice in un nuovo Paese delle Meraviglie: strategie, processi e strumenti tecnologici per imboccare la porta del business.
Industry 4.0, Fabbrica Adattiva, Smart Manufacturing, Internet of Things, Industrial Analytics, Advanced Automation, Additive Manufacturing: come una Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie, le aziende si trovano oggi dinanzi ad un nuovo Paese del Manufacturing dagli scenari assai complessi che impongono risposte strategiche, tecnologiche ed organizzative in ambito produttivo.
Declinato sulla metafora di Alice, il Forum si propone come un’occasione di analisi, approfondimento e confronto sui nuovi scenari che si vanno aprendo e sulle modalità con cui le aziende stanno rimodulando strategie, processi e ruoli collegati al Manufacturing. Si analizzeranno inoltre le diverse tipologie di verifica sulle prestazioni di tempo (velocità, reattività, puntualità): una nuova competitività si gioca anche su questo aspetto? Tutto ciò anche mediante l’illustrazione del supporto di tecnologie e sistemi informatici innovativi, che consentano di percorrere l’ultimo miglio dell’Advanced Manufacturing.
I partecipanti – guidati da esperti e da aziende di industry e dimensioni diverse che interverranno per condividere le proprie esperienze– saranno portati in un viaggio, inframmezzato dal racconto delle avventure di Alice, nel nuovo Paese del Manufacturing con l’obiettivo di identificare i nuovi driver per la competitività delle Operations.
- 08:30 Registrazione dei Partecipanti, Welcome Coffee e Networking
- 09:00 Benvenuto ai partecipanti e introduzione alla giornata a cura del Chairman
Fabio Candussio, Docente di Sistemi Informativi Aziendali e Gestione della Produzione alla Facoltà di Ingegneria Gestionale , Università di Udine
CI SARÀ UNA VOLTA – Nuove favole per un futuro complesso – Scenari
- 09:15 La lezione di Alice declinata nel paese del Manufacturing: strategie, processi e strumenti per imboccare la porta del business
• Le aziende innanzi al dilemma della complessità
• Le risposte strategiche, tecnologiche ed organizzative alla complessità in ambito produttivo
• Fantasia, cooperazione, fiducia: come vincere l’incertezza e costruire un modello innovativo al servizio dell’Operations
Fabio Candussio, Docente di Sistemi Informativi Aziendali e Gestione della Produzione alla Facoltà di Ingegneria Gestionale , Università di Udine
Capitolo 1: Nella tana del Bianconiglio – Le strategie
- 09:30 Scegliere (ma davvero) il futuro del Manufacturing: nuove strategie per la progettazione e la produzione in un mercato globale
• Smart Manufacturing Technologies (Cloud Manufacturing, Internet of Things, Industrial Analytics, Additive Manufacturing, Wearable Devices, Advanced Automation): quale sistema produttivo per il futuro? Lo stato dell’arte e le prospettive a breve e medio termine per l’Italia
• Il progetto Industry 4.0: la fabbrica adattiva (dalla gestione centralizzata all’intelligenza distribuita). Cosa stanno facendo le aziende?
• La dimensione umana nell’era digitale: il punto di vista delle Risorse Umane sulla nuova professione dell’Innovation Manager
Massimiliano Oddi, Senior Advisor Product Lifecycle & Manufacturing , Accenture Consulting Products
Gian Luca Sacco, Marketing Director – South & Central Europe , Siemens PLM Software
Marco Genta, Chief Strategy , SedApta Group
Roberto Siagri, Presidente & CEO , Eurotech - 11:00 Coffee break
Capitolo 2: Il giardino della Regina di Cuori – I processi
- 11:30 Il nuovo paradigma industriale e la rimodulazione dei principali processi collegati al Manufacturing: marketing industriale, progettazione, logistica, acquisti, pianificazione
• Il nuovo ruolo del marketing industriale innanzi alla sfida dello Smart Manufacturing
• Il processo di sviluppo nuovo prodotto: integrare strettamente engineering e industrializzazione
• Fornitori di fiducia: la nuova sfida per il mondo degli acquisti
• Come cambia il ruolo della logistica integrata: pianificare risorse produttive, materiali e trasporti nel 2020
• Ottimizzazione del Capitale Circolante e Cash Flow Management nella Supply Chain
Filippo Di Quattro, Director of Operations South Europe & Manufacturing Community Italy , BASF Italia
Silvio Giordano, Group LogisticDirector , Riello
Danilo Giorni, Finance & Supply Chain Director , Eli Lilly and Company
Alberto Negrini, Procurement Director , Nestle’ Italiana
Nobuyuki Tamaru, Senior Consultant , Jmac Europe - 13:00 L’impatto dell’e-commerce sul rapporto fra distributori e acquirenti di beni industriali. Opportunità, strumenti e soluzioni.
Aylin Bumin, Country Marketing Manager , UPS Italia - 13:15 Lunch
Capitolo 3: Una tazza di Tè – Le prestazioni
- Competere sulle prestazioni di tempo: cosa segna la lancetta dell’orologio dello Smart Manufacturing Approfondimenti tematici in Tavole Rotonde
- 14:15 La prima tazza (la fabbrica interconnessa) : Internet of Things in Manufacturing: Smart Products, Augmented Reality and Wearable Technologies
Oggetti e prodotti interconnessi nelle nuove fabbriche digitali: l’internet delle cose fa il suo ingresso nel mondo industriale e “aumenta” la realtà con nuovi sistemi di visione e con tecnologie indossabili.
Antonio Canini, Manufacturing Territory Sales Executive Italia , Autodesk
Roberto Lazzarini, Head of Research and Development, , Carpigiani Group
Daniele Salati Chiodini, Direttore Tecnico , Minerva Omega Group - 15:15 La seconda tazza (sistemi di produzione smart): New Automation & Autonomous Robots, Social Machine, Additive Manufacturing
• La nuova frontiera dell’automazione industriale: uno sguardo alla frontiera tecnologica delle linee produttive e delle celle robotizzate in grado di adattarsi a diverse condizioni operative e diverse tipologie di prodotti
• High Performance Manufacturing: incremento prestazionale a livello di processo (in termini di tempi di lavorazione e qualità complessiva) e di flessibilità dei sistemi di lavorazione (in termini di condizioni di lavoro e autonomia).
• Cyber-Physical System e Macchine intelligenti
• Additive Manufacturing: dalla progettazione alla produzione riscrivendo il confine fra virtuale e reale
Nino Atzei, Manufacturing Product Strategy & Investment Leader, Global Supply Chain , Avio Aero
Gianluca Bertacchini, Chief Operation Officer , SAFE SpA – Landi Renzo Group
Massimo Semeraro, Advanced Manufacturing Process Engineering Manager , FCA
Fabrizo Torta, Technology Innovation Leader, Global Supply Chain , Avio Aero - 16:15 La terza tazza (sistemi informative di nuova generazione): Manufacturing Prototyping, Cloud Computing, Big Data & Analytics
• Le nuove tecnologie digitali al servizio del manufacturing:
manutenzione preventiva ed intelligente attraverso la predictive analysis
metodologie avanzate per la simulazione e prototipazione virtuale di prodotti e processi produttivi
• Cloud Computing for Manufacturing
Andrea Chittaro, Direttore Qualità , Acciaierie Bertoli Safau
Epilogo : Fra i tessuti e i fili del Cappellaio Matto – Lesson learned e conclusioni
- 17:00 Dalle favole alla realtà: cosa ci ha raccontato oggi Alice. Domande dibattito e conclusioni
- 17:30 Chiusura dei lavori
L’iscrizione è gratuita per i soci Aipe. Per la partecipazione occorre registrarsi tramite il seguente Link, indicando il nome dell’azienda associata e l’appartenenza ad Aipe.
Aipe is pleased to invite its associates to participate for free to the convention that will take place in Milan the 4th of November 2015 in the Grand Visconti Palace, in Viale Isonzo 14.
What’s the Advanced Manufacturing Strategies
As Alice in a new Wonderland: strategies, processes and technological tools to come on to the world of business.
Industry 4.0, Adaptive Factory, Smart Manufacturing, Internet of Things, Industrial Analytics, Advanced Automation, Additive Manufacturing: as a new Alice in Wonderland, the companies are today in front of a new Land of Manufacturing composed by very complex scenarios that impose strategical, technological and organizational responses in the production sector.
Basing on the metaphor of Alice, the Forum proposes to be a change of analysis, deepening and comparison of the new scenarios that are opening up and on the modalities with which the companies are restructuring strategies, processes and roles linked to the Manufacturing. There will be analyzed also different typologies of test on time performances (velocity, reactivity, punctuality): a new competitiveness will be played also on this new aspect? Everything also through the illustration of the support of technologies and innovative informatic systems, that allow to walk the last mile of the Advanced Manufacturing.
The participants – guided by experts and by companies of industry and different dimensions will intervene to share their own experiences – will be brought in a trip, interspersed by the story of the adventures of ALice, in the new Land of Manufacturing with the aim of identifying new drivers for the competitiveness of the Operations.
- 08:30 Registration of the Participants, Welcome Coffee and Networking
- 09:00 Welcome to participants and introduction to the day edited by the Chairman Fabio Candussio, Professor of Companies Informative Systems and Management of the Production at the Faculty of Management Engineering, University of Udine.
THERE WILL BE ONCE – New novels for a complex future – Scenarios
- 09:15 Lessons of Alice declined in the Land of Manufacturing: strategies, processes and tools to come on to the world of business
- Companies in front of the dilemma of complexity
- Strategical, technological and organizational responses to the complexity in the production sector
- Fantasy, cooperation, confidence: how to win the uncertainty and build an innovative model to the service of the Operations Fabio Candussio, Professor of Companies Informative Systems and Management of the Production at the Faculty of Management Engineering, University of Udine
Chapter 1: In the burrow of the White Rabbit – The strategies
- 09:30 Choose (for real) the future of the Manufacturing: new strategies for the design and the production in a global market
- Smart Manufacturing Technologies (Cloud Manufacturing, Internet of Things, Industrial Analytics, Additive Manufacturing, Wearable Devices, Advanced Automation): which production system for the future? The state of the art and the perspectives on short and mid term for Italy
- The project Industry 4.0: the adaptive factory (from the centralized management to the distributed intelligence). What are the companies doing?
- The human dimension in the digital era: the point of view of the Human Resources on the new profession of Innovation Manager Massimiliano Oddi, Senior Advisor Product Lifecycle & Manufacturing, Accenture Consulting Products Gian Luca Sacco, Marketing Director – South & Central Europe, Siemens PLM Software Marco Genta, Chief Strategy, SedApta Group Roberto Siagri, President & CEO, Eurotech
- 11:00 Coffee break
Chapter 2: The garden of Queen of Hearts – The processes
- 11:30 The new industrial paradigm and the restructure of the principal processes linked to the Manufacturing: industrial marketing, design, logistics, purchases, planning
- The new role of the industrial marketing in front of the challenge of the Smart Manufacturing
- The process of development of a new product: strictly integrate engineering and industrialization
- Trusted suppliers: the new challenge for the purchasing world
- How the role of the integrated logistcs change: plan production resources, materials and transports in 2020
- Optimization of the Working Capital and Cash Flow Management in the Supply Chain Filippo Di Quattro, Director of Operations South Europe & Manufacturing Community Italy , BASF Italia
Silvio Giordano, Group LogisticDirector , Riello
Danilo Giorni, Finance & Supply Chain Director , Eli Lilly and Company
Alberto Negrini, Procurement Director , Nestle’ Italiana
Nobuyuki Tamaru, Senior Consultant , Jmac Europe
- 13:00 The impact of the e-commerce on the relationship between distributors and buyers of industrial goods. Opportunities, tools and solutions. Aylin Bumin, Country Marketing Manager, UPS Italia
- 13:15 Lunch
Chapter 3: A cup of Tea – The performances
- Compete on time performances: what marks the lancet of the clock of the Smart Manufacturing, thematic deepenings in Panel Discussions
- 14:15 The first cup (the interconnected factory): Internet of Things in Manufacturing: Smart Products, Augmented Reality and Wearable Technologies Objects and products interconnected with the new digital factories: the Internet of Things makes its entrace in the industrial world and “augment” the reality with new vision systems and wearable technologies. Antonio Canini, Manufacturing Territory Sales Executive Italia, Autodesk Roberto Lazzarini, Head of Research and Development, Carpigiani Group Daniele Salati Chiodini, Technical Manager, Merva Omega Group
- 15:15 The second cup (smart production systems): New Automation & Autonomous Robots, Social Machine, Additive Manufacturing
- The new frontier of the industrial automation: a look to the technological frontier of the production lines and robotic cells able to adapt to different operative condition and different typologies of products
- High Performance Manufacturing: performance increase to process level (in terms of work times and general quality) and also to flexibility level of the work systems (in terms of work conditions and autonomy).
- Cyber-Physical System and Smart Machines
- Additive Manufacturing: from the design to the production rewriting the border between virtual and real Nino Atzei, Manufacturing Product Strategy & Investment Leader, Global Supply Chain, Avio Aero Gianluca Bertacchini, Chief Operation Officer, SAFE SpA – Landi Renzo Group Massimo Semeraro, Advanced Manufacturing Process Engineering Manager, FCA Fabrizio Torta, Technology Innovation Leader, Global Supply Chain, Avio Aero
- 16:15 The third cup (new generation informative systems): Manufacturing Prototyping, Cloud Computing, Big Data & Analytics
- The new digital technologies to the service of the Manufacturing: preventive and smart maintenance through the predictive analysis for the advanced methodologies for the simulation and virtual prototyping of products and production processes
- Cloud Computing for Manufacturing Andrea Chittaro, Direttore Qualità, Acciaierie Bertoli Safau
Epilogue: Between the tissues and threads of Mad Hat – Lesson learned and conclusions
- 17:00 From the tales to reality: what Alice told us today. Questions, debate and conclusions
- 17:30 End of the day
The registration is free of cost for Aipe associates. For the participation it’s necessary to register to the following link, indicating the name of the associated company and the membership at Aipe.