L’Associazione Aipe e Applus Velosi hanno organizzato un seminario destinato alle realtà industriali per conoscere e approfondire dal punto di vista tecnico le seguenti tematiche: TPI 3.2 Endorsment as per EN 10204, Welding Procedures & Welder Qualifications, PED services.
Giovedì 9 Febbraio 2017, ore 9:00-13:00.
NH Hotel, via Portico 75, Orio al Serio (BG)
- Presentazione Applus Velosi
Applus+ Energy & Industry at glance - TPI 3.2 Endorsment as per EN 10204
- VELOSI PSC Accreditation Certificate
- Convenience to utilize an accreditated body instead of a simple purchaser’s representative
- Indipendence Criteria for Type A Accredited Inspection Body
- Inspection Certificate 3.2 type in details
- EN10204 Terms and definitions
- Correct designation
- Transmission of inspection documents by an intermediary
- EN10204 Annex A gives a summary of the different inspection documents
- EN10204 Annex ZA gives correspondence between this European Standard and PED Directive
- Mandatory steps for 3.2 inspection certificate issuing
- Supplemental Requirements for 3.2 inspection certificate issuing
- 3.2 operating flow
- 3.2 accredited third part inspection plan, reports and certificate
Coffee break
- Welding Procedures & Welder Qualifications
- Introduction to the Welding & Welders Certification Service
- Benefits of our Qualification for Welders and Welding Procedures
- Applus+ Energy & Industry Welding Procedure Qualification and Welder Approval Procedure
- Relevant European standards
- Routes to Welding Procedure Qualification
- Usual inspection procedure by third part
- Usual inspection procedure by third part -supplemental (if any)
- An example of WPQR format is shown in annex A of BS EN ISO 15614
- Welder Qualification
- Welding Operator Qualification
- Applus+ Energy & Industry WPS-PQR-WPQ Templates
- Applus+ Energy & Industry’s PED services
- Applus+ Energy & Industry as Notified Body for the PED Directive 2014/68/EU
- APPLUS Accreditation Certificate
- Phases of the Applus+ Energy & Industry PED Certification Process
- Benefits of the Applus+ Energy & Industry PED Accreditation
- Official Documents on official Europen website
- New Legislative Framework
- The «Blue Guide»
- Deadlines
- Highlights
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Diego Benedetti Technical Manager – Country Manager Representative (CMR), VELOSI-PSC srl |
Curriculum Vitae |
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Massimiliano Lorenzi QA – QC Senior inspector and Supervisor for inspection & expediting activities, VELOSI-PSC srl |
Curriculum Vitae |
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Christian Tina Technical Specialist, VELOSI-PSC srl |
Curriculum Vitae |
Il seminario è aperto a tutti ed è gratuito per i soci AIPE. La quota di iscrizione per i non associati ad AIPE è pari ad euro 200 + IVA.
Il pranzo presso la struttura sarà gentilmente offerto dall’azienda Applus Velosi a tutti i partecipanti.
I posti sono limitati. Per l’iscrizione occorre compilare il modulo seguente:
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The Aipe Association and Applus Velosi organized a workshop for industrial companies with the aim to know and analyse from a technical point of view the following topics: TPI 3.2 Endorsment as per EN 10204, Welding Procedures & Welder Qualifications, PED services.
Thursday Febbruray 9th, 2017, at 9:00-13:00 A.M..
NH Hotel, via Portico 75, Orio al Serio (BG), Italy
- Applus Velosi Presentation
Applus+ Energy & Industry at glance - TPI 3.2 Endorsment as per EN 10204
- VELOSI PSC Accreditation Certificate
- Convenience to utilize an accreditated body instead of a simple purchaser’s representative
- Indipendence Criteria for Type A Accredited Inspection Body
- Inspection Certificate 3.2 type in details
- EN10204 Terms and definitions
- Correct designation
- Transmission of inspection documents by an intermediary
- EN10204 Annex A gives a summary of the different inspection documents
- EN10204 Annex ZA gives correspondence between this European Standard and PED Directive
- Mandatory steps for 3.2 inspection certificate issuing
- Supplemental Requirements for 3.2 inspection certificate issuing
- 3.2 operating flow
- 3.2 accredited third part inspection plan, reports and certificate
Coffee break
- Welding Procedures & Welder Qualifications
- Introduction to the Welding & Welders Certification Service
- Benefits of our Qualification for Welders and Welding Procedures
- Applus+ Energy & Industry Welding Procedure Qualification and Welder Approval Procedure
- Relevant European standards
- Routes to Welding Procedure Qualification
- Usual inspection procedure by third part
- Usual inspection procedure by third part -supplemental (if any)
- An example of WPQR format is shown in annex A of BS EN ISO 15614
- Welder Qualification
- Welding Operator Qualification
- Applus+ Energy & Industry WPS-PQR-WPQ Templates
- Applus+ Energy & Industry’s PED services
- Applus+ Energy & Industry as Notified Body for the PED Directive 2014/68/EU
- APPLUS Accreditation Certificate
- Phases of the Applus+ Energy & Industry PED Certification Process
- Benefits of the Applus+ Energy & Industry PED Accreditation
- Official Documents on official Europen website
- New Legislative Framework
- The «Blue Guide»
- Deadlines
- Highlights
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Diego Benedetti Technical Manager – Country Manager Representative (CMR), VELOSI-PSC srl |
Curriculum Vitae |
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Massimiliano Lorenzi QA – QC Senior inspector and Supervisor for inspection & expediting activities, VELOSI-PSC srl |
Curriculum Vitae |
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Christian Tina Technical Specialist, VELOSI-PSC srl |
Curriculum Vitae |
The workshop is free for AIPE’s members. Non-members can register with a registration fee of 200 euro (VAT is not included).
The lunch will be kindly offered by the company Applus Velosi to all the participants.
Places are limited. For the registration or other information you can contact us via e-mail (segreteria@aipe.it).