CTIL’Associazione Aipe è entrata a far parte del Italian Thermotechnical Committee “CTI”, un’organizzazione che  svolge attività normativa ed unificatrice nel settore della termotecnica.  Ente federato all’UNI, per il quale elabora progetti di norma, il CTI sviluppa guide, raccomandazioni, documenti tecnici, aggiorna e rivede norme esistenti UNI-CTI e partecipa ai lavori normativi internazionali CEN e ISO del settore.

In particolare, il CTI si occupa di:

  • National and international normative activities;
  • Support to local and national government ministries;
  • Commercial software verification for certification release, pursuant to D.P.R. of April 2nd, 2009 n. 59;
  • Studies and research in several Thermotechnical sectors, addressed on the realization of useful instruments for professionals;
  • Organization of cultural and promotional events;
  • High level training.

Thanks to the CTI membership, Aipe becomes a member of a leading community of the normative innovation, able to create a network among the industry, research and institutions agents and it will be able to participate on the national normative activity, inside the groups related on pressure equipment, materials, welding, normative on pressure equipment and usage.

Aipe's members which are interested in taking part to the CTI teamwork may request more information to the address segreteria@aipe.it.