The new EU sanctions scenario and anti-evasion measures: impacts on businesses and international trade operations


In recent years, the European Union has introduced significant changes in its international sanctions and restrictions policy. These changes require businesses to review their strategies to ensure regulatory compliance and operate without incurring violations.
A turning point was the adoption of a massive sanctions program against Russia in response to the invasion of Ukraine. These measures have a transversal impact on all business operations, regardless of destination.


Date and place

Mercoledì 5 marzo 2025 – ore 11:00 – 13:00
W Executive Srl, Palazzo Villa Bocconi, Venezia 48, 20121 Milano

Come raggiungere la sede del corso

For those traveling by public transport, Palazzo Villa Bocconi is 200 meters from the Palestro stop on the M1 metro line.
For those traveling by car, it is possible to park at the Viale Majno car park (link:, outside area C and 100 meters from the course location.



The course aims to:

  • Analyze the main anti-evasion measures introduced at European level and their implications for businesses.
  • Provide guidance on compliance tools to be implemented to mitigate risks related to international trade.
  • Learn more about the new sanctions provisions, including the effects of Directive (EU) 2024/1226, and the related consequences in case of violation.



11 a.m.

  • Key Anti-Tax Avoidance Measures: Cross-cutting Impacts on Business Operations Beyond Russia.
  • Sanctions for infringements: practical implications of Directive (EU) 2024/1226.
  • Compliance tools: checks, procedures and good operating practices.

Ore 13:00
Pranzo di networking presso la struttura.



The course will be held by experts from ZPC Srl.


How to register

AIPE members: Free participation.
Non-members: Registration fee €300 + VAT (including lunch).

To register, fill out the form below.

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    Is the company registered with the AIPE Association?


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    E-mail per invio fattura di cortesia

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    Ho letto l’ informativa sulla privacy e acconsento al trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi del regolamento GDPR (UE 2016/679).

    (*) Dati obbligatori