L’Associazione Italiana Pressure Equipment (AIPE) e Lloyd’s Register organizzano la IV edizione del Pressure Equipment Forum (PEF).


Cos’è il PEF?

Il PEF è l’evento annuale in cui i principali costruttori italiani di recipienti a pressione e altri attori della supply chain (Forgiatori, EPC, End User, ecc), si incontrano per condividere esperienze e discutere di trend di mercato e aspetti tecnici quali materiali, processi di produzione, certificazioni. Il PEF offre a tutti i partecipanti uno sguardo consapevole al futuro della caldareria ed una eccezionale  opportunità di networking e di collaborazione.

Quali sono gli obiettivi?

  • Raccogliere e rappresentare nel contesto internazionale gli interessi e le problematiche dei costruttori di caldareria italiani;
  • Dare visibilità ai costruttori di recipienti italiani per la loro qualità, professionalità e coscienza in materia di sicurezza;
  • Fungere da piattaforma di condivisione di informazioni siano esse in materia tecnica o di mercato;
  • Portare testimonianze autorevoli di Contrattisti, EPC e End User come spunto per il miglioramento continuo.

Dove e Quando?

La quarta edizione del PEF si terrà presso Hotel Principe di Savoia, Piazza della Repubblica 17, Milano, il prossimo mercoledì 21 Novembre dalle 9:00 alle 13:00 circa.


(L’evento si terrà in lingua inglese)

PEF 2018 Topic: “The Journey: from Plate to Pressure equipment”

9:00 – Registration

9:30 – Opening
– Luca Tosto, President of AIPE
– Filippo Tanganelli, Lloyd’s Register

9:50 – Introduction
Chairman: Salvatore Poddighe, Vice President of AIPE

10:00 –  Energy Industry Global Markets Forecast 2018
G. Franchini, SupplHi


  • Latest developments in plate materials supply (CS to LA plates, clad plates)
  • From plate to fabricated equipment:  how to increase the role of steel plate suppliers in the design  and the  prefabrication of components
  • Strength points
  • Is Market going to Asia and Far East?

– V. Ngomo, S. Bubalo,  A. Georgescu,  E. Guyot, Industeel 
– J. Maffert, Dillinger


  • Latest developments in plate materials supply (CS to LA plates, clad plates)
  • From plate to fabricated equipment:  how to increase the role of steel plate suppliers in the design  and the  prefabrication of components

– L. Traverso, Rolla Traverso
– D. Mettoni, Siderurgica Leonessa

12:30 Closing debate


The Italian Association Pressure  Equipment (AIPE) and Lloyd’s Register organizze the IV edition of the Pressure Equipment Forum (PEF).


What is PEF?

PEF is the annual event in which the main Italian manufacturers of Pressure Vessels and other actors in the supply chain (Forging companies, EPC, End User, etc.), meet to share experiences and to discuss market trends and technical aspects such as materials, manufacturing processes, certifications. The PEF offers to all the participants a conscious view to the future of the industry and exceptional  networking and collaboration opportunities.

Which are the goals?

  • To Collect and represent the interests and problems of Italian pressure vessel manufacturers in an international context;
  • To give visibility to the Italian manufacturers of pressure equipment for their quality, professionalism and safety awareness;
  • To act as a platform for sharing technical and market information;
  • To bring authoritative testimonies of Contractors, EPC and End User as a starting point for continuous improvement.

Where and When?

The fourth edition of the PEF will be held at  “Hotel Principe di Savoia”, Piazza della Repubblica 17, Milan, next Wednesday, November 21 from 9:00 to 13:00 approximately.


PEF 2018 Topic: “The Journey: from Plate to Pressure equipment”

9:00 – Registration

9:30 – Opening
– Luca Tosto, President of AIPE
– Filippo Tanganelli, Lloyd’s Register

9:50 – Introduction
Chairman: Salvatore Poddighe, Vice President of AIPE

10:00 –  Energy Industry Global Markets Forecast 2018
G. Franchini, SupplHi


  • Latest developments in plate materials supply (CS to LA plates, clad plates)
  • From plate to fabricated equipment:  how to increase the role of steel plate suppliers in the design  and the  prefabrication of components
  • Strength points
  • Is Market going to Asia and Far East?

– V. Ngomo, S. Bubalo,  A. Georgescu,  E. Guyot, Industeel 
– J. Maffert, Dillinger


  • Latest developments in plate materials supply (CS to LA plates, clad plates)
  • From plate to fabricated equipment:  how to increase the role of steel plate suppliers in the design  and the  prefabrication of components

– L. Traverso, Rolla Traverso
– D. Mettoni, Siderurgica Leonessa

12:30 Closing debate