Si sta svolgendo a Milano, su iniziativa della Camera di commercio Italia Uzbekistan, d’intesa con l’Ambasciata dell’Uzbekistan in Italia e la Commissione Europea, un workshop finalizzato alla presentazione delle interessanti prospettive economiche che il paese offre alle nostre imprese.
L’associazione Aipe partecipa all’iniziativa, che rappresenta un’ occasione per approfondire le modalità di partecipazione al programma europeo “Management Training Program”, grazie al quale le imprese italiane potranno accogliere in stage manager uzbeki interessati ad approfondire la conoscenza operativa dell’impresa ospitante ed eventualmente i rapporti d’affari futuri.
Tra i presenti al workshop, il Presidente della Camera di Commercio ed Industria dell’Uzbekistan, Alisher Shaykhov e l’Ambasciatore dell’Uzbekistan in Italia, Ravshan Usmarov, oltre ad esperti comunitari del programma MTP, interamente finanziato dalla Commissione Europea.
A workshop aiming at presenting Uzbekistan’s interesting economic perspectives is taking place in Milan, as per initiative of the Chamber of Commerce Italy Uzbekistan, in agreement with the embassy of Uzbekistan in Italy and the European Commission.
The Aipe association participates to the event, which represents an occasion to examine the procedures for the participation to the European program “Management Training Program”, with which the Italian companies could host managers from Uzbekistan interested on acquiring the operative knowledge of the hosting company and eventual future business partnerships.
Among the attendees at the workshop, the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan, Alisher Shaykhov and the ambassador of Uzbekistan in Italy, Ravshan Usmarov, rather than the community experts of the MTP program, entirely financed by the European Commission.