Cos’è il PEF?
Quali sono gli obiettivi?
- Raccogliere e rappresentare nel contesto internazionale gli interessi e le problematiche dei costruttori di caldareria italiani;
- Dare visibilità ai costruttori di recipienti italiani per la loro qualità, professionalità e coscienza in materia di sicurezza;
- Fungere da piattaforma di condivisione di informazioni siano esse in materia tecnica o di mercato;
- Portare testimonianze autorevoli di Contrattisti, EPC e End User come spunto per il miglioramento continuo.
Dove e Quando?
(L’evento si terrà in lingua inglese)
PEF 2018 Topic: “The Journey: from Plate to Pressure equipment”
9:00 – Registration
9:30 – Opening
– Luca Tosto, President of AIPE
– Filippo Tanganelli, Lloyd’s Register
9:50 – Introduction
Chairman: Salvatore Poddighe, Vice President of AIPE
10:00 – Energy Industry Global Markets Forecast 2018
G. Franchini, SupplHi
- Latest developments in plate materials supply (CS to LA plates, clad plates)
- From plate to fabricated equipment: how to increase the role of steel plate suppliers in the design and the prefabrication of components
- Strength points
- Is Market going to Asia and Far East?
– V. Ngomo, S. Bubalo, A. Georgescu, E. Guyot, Industeel
– J. Maffert, Dillinger
- Latest developments in plate materials supply (CS to LA plates, clad plates)
- From plate to fabricated equipment: how to increase the role of steel plate suppliers in the design and the prefabrication of components
– L. Traverso, Rolla Traverso
– D. Mettoni, Siderurgica Leonessa
12:30 Closing debate
What is PEF?
Which are the goals?
- To Collect and represent the interests and problems of Italian pressure vessel manufacturers in an international context;
- To give visibility to the Italian manufacturers of pressure equipment for their quality, professionalism and safety awareness;
- To act as a platform for sharing technical and market information;
- To bring authoritative testimonies of Contractors, EPC and End User as a starting point for continuous improvement.
Where and When?
PEF 2018 Topic: “The Journey: from Plate to Pressure equipment”
9:00 – Registration
9:30 – Opening
– Luca Tosto, President of AIPE
– Filippo Tanganelli, Lloyd’s Register
9:50 – Introduction
Chairman: Salvatore Poddighe, Vice President of AIPE
10:00 – Energy Industry Global Markets Forecast 2018
G. Franchini, SupplHi
- Latest developments in plate materials supply (CS to LA plates, clad plates)
- From plate to fabricated equipment: how to increase the role of steel plate suppliers in the design and the prefabrication of components
- Strength points
- Is Market going to Asia and Far East?
– V. Ngomo, S. Bubalo, A. Georgescu, E. Guyot, Industeel
– J. Maffert, Dillinger
- Latest developments in plate materials supply (CS to LA plates, clad plates)
- From plate to fabricated equipment: how to increase the role of steel plate suppliers in the design and the prefabrication of components
– L. Traverso, Rolla Traverso
– D. Mettoni, Siderurgica Leonessa
12:30 Closing debate