Lloyd’s Register Energy ed AIPE avviano una collaborazione per rilanciare l’industria dei Pressure Vessel

Lloyd’s Register Energy e AIPE annunciano che il forum PVMF (Pressure Vessel Manufacturers Forum) si terrà il 3 Luglio 2015 a Milano.

Il PVMF è un gruppo industriale sponsorizzato ed organizzato da Lloyd Register Energy ed AIPE. L’obiettivo è quello di creare un gruppo che raccolga gli interessi dei produttori italiani di pressure equipment, che funga da piattaforma per la condivisione di informazioni su tecniche produttive e trends e di incoraggiare e favorire momenti di scambio e confronto.

Invitiamo tutti i produttori di pressure equipment in Italia a partecipare al PVMF e speriamo che creerà un’atmosfera positiva per favorire reti di collaborazioni e condivisione di conoscenza“, ha affermato la Lloyd’s Register Energy Italia.

Riteniamo che il PVMF sia uno degli eventi più importanti del settore e siamo molto lieti che verrà replicato anche  in Italia“,  ha detto Luca Tosto, Presidente AIPE . “Ci aspettiamo una partecipazione attiva e numerosa delle aziende, che avranno l’opportunità di discutere sugli ultimi trends, esplorare nuovi potenziali mercati e collaborazioni“.

Il PVMF italiano segue un modello simile a quello svoltosi con successo nel Regno Unito,  avviato sempre dalla Lloyd’s Register Energy.  Il gruppo ha 17 membri e 3 affiliati in tutto il Regno Unito.

Il primo meeting PVMF avrà luogo presso l’hotel  NH Concordia a Milano il 3 Luglio. Per registrarsi visitare il sito http://www.lr.org/pvmf-it.

en-isl-2015-it-pvmf logo wht bkgAnnounced today, a new Pressure Vessel Manufacturers Forum (PVMF) will take place on July 3rd in Milan to help drive collaboration and knowledge share for Italian manufacturers.

In a drive to unite the interests of Italy’s pressure equipment manufacturers, the goal of the new Pressure Vessel Manufacturers Forum (PVMF) is to create a group that serves as a platform for sharing information on manufacturing techniques and trends, and to encourage and generate discussion and debate.

It is a new industry group sponsored and organized by Lloyd’s Register Energy and the Italian Association of Pressure Equipment (AIPE).

We invite all manufacturers of pressure equipment in Italy to join the PVMF on 3rd July in Milan, which promises to create a positive atmosphere for networking, collaboration and the sharing of knowledge” says Federico Zanette, Sales and Marketing Representative for Lloyd’s Register Energy in Italy.

Zanette reinforced that the needs of manufacturers across Italy are at the core of this initiative. Its focus on uniting manufacturers will demonstrate to the wider world the importance of how working collectively together for the combined interests of manufacturers, will positively impact Italy’s growing competitive manufacturing sector and its performance long term.

Luca Tosto, President of AIPE, says: “We believe PVMF offers one of the most relevant events of the sector and we are very glad that it will be replicated in Italy with Lloyd’s Register Energy’s supportWe expect a high attendance and an active participation of many leading companiescollectively giving every attendee the opportunity to discuss business trends, explore potential markets and new collaborations”.

Tosto expects the reaction from the market to be extremely positive and will illustrate Lloyd’s Register Energy’s and AIPE’s ability to provide industry-focused solutions tied to manufacturer’s business objectives.

The Italian PVMF event follows a similar model that has been successful in the United Kingdom, also started by Lloyd’s Register Energy. That group has a growing attendance of 17 members and 3 affiliate members spanning Scotland, Wales and England.

The first meeting of the PVMF will take place at the NH Hotels Concordia in Milan on July 3rd. You can register at http://www.lr.org/pvmf-it.